
Scalp Massage for Pattern Baldness: Can It Combat Hair Loss?

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Scalp Massage for Pattern Baldness: Can It Combat Hair Loss?


Scalp massage, a technique of pressing the scalp, and a gentle pressure applied in circular motion helps increase blood circulation to the hair follicles.

The pressure exerted either by the finger tip or a device has a stimulating effect on the nerve endings, muscles and blood vessels. This also increases oxygen and nutrient supply to the follicles helping hair growth.

A good scalp massage with or without oil, is highly relaxing and envelops one in a general well being destressing the body which again is beneficial to hair growth. Stress has an effect of constricting blood vessels, increasing cortisol which is not conducive to hair growth.

Massaging the scalp acts as a natural vasodilator that nourishes the hair follicles into growth phase.

Any Special Devices Needed for Scalp Massage?

While no special devices are required to massage the scalp other than one's own fingertips, many devices are available like a silicon tipped head massager or a wire whisk shaped bead massager and one can experiment what suits better.

However what is important is to be consistent with massaging rather than the use of special devices. Massaging daily is more important than the usage of devices or the need of a masseur.

Massaging the scalp can be done while showering as well. This is the easiest way to massage everyday. Slight pressure and circular motion while applying shampoo does the trick as well.

What Oils are Good for Massaging?

While using oils is not a must, coconut oil with its medium chain fatty acids is supposed to combat DHT in the scalp. Massaging the oil first and leaving it for a few hours is a well known once a week ritual in India which both men and women follow.

Castor oil and sesame oil is also used to massage the scalp.

Any Studies to Prove Scalp Massage Helping Hair Loss?

Daily massage of at least 4 minutes for 24 weeks has been shown to grow hair and increase thickness as well.

There are a few controlled studies which prove that consistent daily massaging of the scalp using pressing and circular motion helps hair growth.

The sample size of the studies are small and both men and women, enrolled as subjects. Men also being treated with finasteride and minoxidil and or a placebo also were part of the study.

Given all such factors as age, sex, other hair treatment pursued quite a few studies have demonstrated the beneficial aspect of scalp massaging in increasing hair growth and arresting hair fall.

Maintaining a Picture Diary Helps Track Progress

To track progress of scalp massage, it helps to take pics of the head of top, sides, hair line in good light, and take pics weekly for a good before and after comparison. Massaging has to be pursued for at least 24 weeks for results to show.

Using a good hair brush, not stretching wet hair as well as good hair products also helps in keeping hair on your head instead of the shower drain.

As far as massaging goes, hair fall can be controlled literally by using your finger tips!

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