
Does Ozempic need to be Refrigerated?

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Does Ozempic need to be Refrigerated?

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Ozempic needs to be refrigerated before first use. Unopened pens should be stored in the refrigerator between 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C) and should never be frozen. Opened pens, however, can be stored at room temperature (59°F to 86°F or 15°C to 30°C) or in the refrigerator, but must be used within 56 days. Improper storage, such as exposure to high temperatures or freezing, can reduce the drug's effectiveness. Always ensure the pen cap is on during storage and check for any discoloration or particles before use

If you have any questions related to using Ozempic, or if you want to get Ozempic in Canada with an online prescription , you can reach out to one of the medical professionals at Science & Humans.

Weight-related issues have been a problem for ages. There are several natural and medicinal ways to tackle these issues. One of them is Ozempic. Ozempic is a medication that is prescribed to treat Type-2 Diabetes according to the Food and Drug Administration. Ozempic works exponentially once paired with a balanced diet and consistent exercise.

Ozempic, though not officially approved for weight loss, has shown its effects towards weight-loss after long-term use. This article will share a brief overview of Ozempic, and additionally provide you with the answer to whether Ozempic needs to be refrigerated or not.

Ozempic, though not officially approved for weight loss, has shown its effects towards weight-loss after long-term use. This article will share a brief overview of Ozempic, and additionally provide you with the answer to whether Ozempic needs to be refrigerated or not.

Ozempic’s key ingredient is semaglutide which works as a mimic of GLP-1. GLP-1 is responsible to stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin, which lowers the blood sugar levels. As a chain reaction, the digestion of the body is slowed, thereby convincing your brain that you are “full”.

Ozempic is a long-term investment, though is most effective with a low-calorie diet. Ozempic is beneficial to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, etc. It has a specific dosage and a gradual increase of the same. Does Ozempic need to be refrigerated or not is just one of the questions that arise regarding its administration.

Ozempic is taken once weekly on the same day of the week. The dosage of the drug is modified to meet the individual’s needs. Typically, they start with 0.25mg, then 0.5mg, gradually increasing to 1mg and then 2mg, which is the highest dose. These increases occur once in 4 weeks usually.

Also Read: Role of Semaglutide and Liraglutide in Weight Loss

What happens if Ozempic is not refrigerated before first use and its other storage requirements are answered in this article.

Storage Requirements for Ozempic

Ozempic can be administered by you; it is available in disposable, multiple-use pens in liquid form. In order to take them appropriately without hurting yourself, it is advised that you visit your doctor, who can explain properly how to take Ozempic. Since you have to store the pens at home, doubts about refrigerating Ozempic or not may arise. This question cannot be answered one-dimensionally. There are similar yet separate requirements for opened and unopened pens.

Unopened Ozempic Pens

The link between Ozempic and refrigeration is a positive one. A new and unused pen has to be stored in the refrigerator between 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C). The pens can be used till the expiration date if they were stored. Avoid putting them in the freezer at all costs. If you notice that the Ozempic in the pen has frozen, please get rid of it.

Opened Ozempic Pens

Does Ozempic need to be refrigerated once it has been opened? Up to you. Ozempic pens can be stored for 56 days at room temperature (59°F to 86°F or 15°C to 30°C) or in the refrigerator (36°F to 46°F or 2°C to 8°C). Ensure that the pen cap is on when it is being stored.

No matter how you store it, the same pen must not be used for more than 56 days. Avoid excessive heat or direct sunlight. It must not be kept in extremely cold temperatures (freezer) nor in an area with heat.

Impact of Improper Storage on Ozempic

Using Ozempic has to be done under strict conditions. There are serious consequences if Ozempic is not refrigerated before the first use or after. There are certain temperatures in which the pens are to be stored. If they are exposed to heat or freezing cold, they can get spoilt resulting in adverse side effects to your body.

Effects of Exposure to High Temperatures

Ensure that you do not store your Ozempic pens in high temperatures before or after you open them. It may reduce the effectiveness of the drug by speeding up its breakdown. Its potency is potentially harmed by exposing it to heat or sunlight at any point in time.

To check if the liquid in the pen is okay to use, you can check if it is colorless or not. If it has particles or any sort of discoloration, then do not use the pen.

Consequences of Freezing Ozempic

Similarly, the pens must not be frozen. Its efficiency is proven to be reduced if the liquid is thawed after being frozen. Freezing some medications can cause them to face physical and chemical changes, which may result in a provocation of adverse reactions in the body.

As Ozempic needs a cool environment, it is advised to keep Ozempic in a refrigerator.

Practical Tips for Storing Ozempic Properly

Storing Ozempic is as important as taking it in a timely routine. There are some points that must be noted while trying to properly store Ozempic. Should Ozempic be refrigerated or not, which temperature should it be stored in for how many days, and how to store it while travelling are all essential questions.

At Home

We all know what happens if Ozempic is not refrigerated before its first use. Therefore, ensure that it is kept in the refrigerator at the stated temperatures. Keep it away from the cooling element in the fridge. Make sure you keep the cap of the pen on when you store it after you open it once.

During Travel

While unopened pens must be refrigerated, opened ones can be stored in room temperature. Try to store Ozempic in an insulated travel case to protect it from heat and keep it cool. Keep it away from ice or it may freeze.

In a plane or a train, keep Ozempic pens in your carry-on instead of checking it in to avoid extreme temperatures. If you are traveling by car, keep it in the main body of the car instead of the trunk for same reasons. Don’t leave it in the car for too long unattended as it may get too hot or too cold.

In both cases, ensure that the pens are away from heat or direct sunlight.

What to do if Ozempic is Left Unrefrigerated

There is no need to panic if you forget to keep Ozempic in the fridge. There are separate conditions that are applied to opened and unopened pens. Refer below to make informed decisions.

Unopened pens

What happens if Ozempic is not refrigerated before first use? Simple answer is that it may not work as it is supposed to. There are specific temperatures that the drug must be stored in for a reason. It has been observed that unless they are stored at the specified temperatures, the drug does not function as effectively. It is imperative that you refrigerate them as soon as you get them from the pharmacy.

The medication may also get discolored or show signs of forming particles instead of being colorless liquid. This is also proof that the drug will no longer function as intended. If you notice this or realise that Ozempic has not been refrigerated for a while, it may be time to consult your healthcare provider for the next steps.

Opened pens

By now you must have understood the answer behind “Does Ozempic need to be refrigerated?” is yes. However, opened pens can be stored at room temperature, provided they range from 59ºF to 86ºF or 15ºC to 30ºC. You can still store them in the fridge, but they do not get spoiled outside like unopened pens.

You should note the expiration date that is printed on the pen. Do not use it post that date. Along with that, it is recommended that you do not use a pen for more than 56 days once you open it. Even if it has some quantity of Ozempic left in it, dispose of the pen after 56 days, regardless of where it was stored (fridge or in room temperature).


Ozempic is one of many medications used to tackle weight-related issues. While it is FDA-approved for Type-2 Diabetes, many healthcare providers prescribe it for weight loss as well. It comes in liquid form in disposable pens. The doses depend on the individual, but the rules surrounding its storage are strict.

Does Ozempic need to be refrigerated? Unopened pens must be refrigerated, while opened pens can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge. They must avoid heat or direct sunlight, as well as extreme temperatures (hot or cold). Do not freeze the pens, nor use them if they get discolored or contain particles.

Unopened pens must be refrigerated between 36°F to 46°F or 2°C to 8°C

Opened pens must be stored at room temperature of 59ºF to 86ºF or 15ºC to 30ºC and refrigerated at 36°F to 46°F or 2°C to 8°C.

It is important that you store the pens in the temperatures that are specified to receive the most effectiveness of the drug. If you do in case you miss out on refrigerating them, consult your doctor before you take any further steps.

For any medical advice related to Ozempic or any other medications related to weight loss, you can get in touch with a medical professional at Science & Humans. We offer customised weight loss treatment in Canada and can also help you get Ozempic in Canada with an online prescription.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ozempic Storage

How long can Ozempic be left unrefrigerated?

It is not advisable to leave Ozempic unrefrigerated unless it has been opened. Even then you may leave it between 59ºF to 86ºF or 15ºC to 30ºC at room temperature. You may use an opened pen of Ozempic to up to 56 days and no more. Dispose of the pen post 56 days of opening it even if there is some medicine left in it.

What are the Signs that Ozempic has gone bad?

There are clear signs that Ozempic may have gone bad. Firstly, it must not be frozen. You should not use your pen if you notice any discoloration in it or if it contains particles. Avoid using a pen that has been exposed to extreme cold or heat.

How to Dispose of Expired Ozempic?

Place your Ozempic pen and the needle you used in an FDA-cleared sharps disposal container to dispose of them. If not that, then you can also use a heavy-duty plastic container, something that can be tightly closed, a container that is either leak-resistant or is labeled to warn of hazardous waste inside it.

Make sure you keep an eye at the expiration date and not use an expired pen.


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