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Science & Humans
Written by
Science & Humans
Medically approved by
Adeel khan
Last updated
1/5/2023 5:30:00 AM
One in four men over thirty have an endogenous (meaning “naturally produced”) testosterone (T) deficiency [1]. Men with low T may experience low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of energy, and symptoms of depression among many other health-related issues. Long-term implications can include an increase in adipose fat and cardiovascular complications.
Testosterone cypionate (i.e. Depo-Testosterone) is an exogenous androgen therapy that acts as a testosterone supplement for men experiencing a primary or hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (conditions that lead to endogenous testosterone absence or deficiency) [2]. Exogenous androgen therapy, including testosterone cypionate, can help men with deficiencies achieve appropriate serum T levels, and treat these prominent testosterone deficiency symptoms [2, 3].
Studies have demonstrated that testosterone cypionate can effectively increase testosterone and consequently improve strength, increase hemoglobin production, lower leptin levels, and reduce fatigue among many different types of patients [3-5].
Testosterone Cypionate is an ester compound absorbed in oil for intramuscular (IM) injection, and is designed for smooth and efficient injection [2]. These injections are absorbed slowly from the lipid-phase and distributed through blood plasma throughout the body for absorption into the cells, where they take effect. Each IM injection has a half-life (the time where 50% of the drug is consumed) of approximately 8 days. Patients are therefore recommended to inject themselves in the morning, once, twice or three times weekly.
Testosterone cypionate requires a prescription-based medication for men diagnosed with a testosterone deficiency, and typically can be covered by insurance.
If you are a male experiencing the effects of low testosterone, you should consider visiting ONMEN’s website for more information on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Our clinic will refer you for a blood test and consultation with a clinician to discuss your treatment options, including the appropriate dosage, based on your age and symptoms.
ONMEN focuses on addressing your symptoms by bringing your T levels up carefully when evaluating dosage. On average we tend to start at 0.8mL/week and raise to 1mL/week of testosterone as needed. Sometimes men may opt to transfer from creams to cypionate to increase their dose. Given its longer half-life, testosterone cypionate is also a more efficient improvement on earlier forms of TRT injectables. ONMEN will provide you with a three-month supply based on your recommended dosage.
Our clinic’s website also includes more information on testosterone cypionate and its alternatives, including testosterone enanthate, another IM injectable, and non-injectable alternatives such as T-creams.
For more information on testosterone cypionate as it compares to testosterone enanthate, please see our blog on this topic. To get a better idea of how to self-administer TRT injectables, please consider the following informative YouTube video .
1. Araujo, A.B., et al., Prevalence of symptomatic androgen deficiency in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2007. 92(11): p. 4241-4247.
2. Hospira INC., TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE- testosterone cypionate injection, solution Hospira, Inc. 2020, National Institute of Health.
3. Sih, R., et al., Testosterone replacement in older hypogonadal men: a 12-month randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1997. 82(6): p. 1661-1667.
4. Rabkin, J.G., et al., Testosterone versus fluoxetine for depression and fatigue in HIV/AIDS: a placebo-controlled trial. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 2004. 24(4): p. 379-385.
5. Feldman, H.A., et al., Age trends in the level of serum testosterone and other hormones in middle-aged men: longitudinal results from the Massachusetts male aging study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2002. 87(2): p. 589-598.