Written by
Science & Humans
Written by
Science & Humans
Medically approved by
Maria Jacob
Last updated
10/24/2024 5:30:00 AM
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone essential for growth during childhood, though its connection to aging remains controversial, with studies offering mixed results. HGH therapy is approved only for specific conditions, such as GH deficiency and certain diseases. Sermorelin, a synthetic hormone that stimulates GH release, lacks substantial research support and its purported benefits, such as improved body composition, are not backed by strong evidence. Both HGH and Sermorelin are not recommended for off-label use due to potential side effects and the risk of misuse. Approved alternatives are available for addressing age-related symptoms, and consulting a healthcare professional is advisable for proper guidance on health concerns.
Human growth hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates growth and cell reproduction. HGH is most important during childhood and early adolescence, as it is responsible for pre-pubertal growth. Similarly, HGH is responsible for breaking down fats for energy, and stimulating muscle and bone growth.
The relationship between HGH and aging is not well understood and remains controversial despite a heavy volume of research. One study found that administration of HGH reduced adiposity and increased lean body mass, including mass of skeletal muscle, in older men with low levels of plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). However, other studies have found that therapeutic HGH therapy may increase the risk of certain medical conditions and may not provide significant benefits to healthy adults.(CITE) HGH may even in fact contribute to aging, according to some research. Therefore, while it may or may not be associated with aging, HGH is neither recommended nor indicated for anti-aging purposes.
There are therapeutic options for HGH therapy, including synthetic HGH and Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy (GHRT). GHRT, for example, can be used by children experiencing growth hormone deficiency. Similarly, synthetic HGH can be used for children of short stature, genetic diseases such as Turner syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome and chronic kidney disease.
HGH is administered as an injection and can only be taken if appropriately prescribed. For example, a physician can prescribe HGH to increase exercise capacity, muscle mass or bone density, but would need a reason such as a disease causing a GH deficiency or immunodeficiency, such as HIV. HGH therapy has not been approved for anti-aging.
Sermorelin is another type of synthetic hormone therapy that causes the release of growth-hormone releasing hormone (GRHR). GRHR lives in the hypothalamus and works by communicating with the anterior pituitary gland of the brain to release GH to the body. Semorelin works by mimicking the structure of GRHR to cause the release of GH.
Semorelin serves as a bioidentical hormone, that is produced synthetically in a lab for administration in human patients. It has been previously indicated to treat children with growth restrictions and adults with age-related hormone insufficiency. Some authors have commented that this is a natural and cost-effective alternative to HGH therapy.
While HGH has many theoretical therapeutic benefits, it has only been approved to work for certain patient populations, such as:(CITE)
As discussed above, use of HGH for anti-aging purposes has been investigated with mixed and controversial results and has not been approved by Health Canada or the Federal Drug Administration in the United States for these purposes. Given its history of misuse and abuse it has been treated as a controlled substance in the United States.
Sermorelin, to our knowledge, has not ever been approved for use by Health Canada for Canadian patients. Similarly, while this injection was approved by the FDA in 1997, it has since been discontinued by its manufacturer and is not currently available in the United States.
However, despite its current status in North America, Sermorelin, in theory, can be prescribed for all the same indications as HGH, namely, for pediatric patients with congenital growth deficiencies, and adults with GH insufficiencies and acquired immunodeficiencies.
Similar to Semorelin, there are many claims for the off-label benefit of HGH, namely for its claimed benefits to patient body composition, energy, strength and endurance. While there are some evidences for these claims, HGH has not been approved for such uses. In fact, there is a history of misuse and abuse of HGH, leading to its status as a registered substance. For these reasons, we do not recommend supplementing non-GH related conditions with HGH treatment at this time.
There are, however, reasonable alternatives to the many symptoms of aging that HGH is claimed to treat. For example, there are existing medications for treatment of low energy, aged skin and hair loss that are approved, tested and available for patient use. These include medications such as finasteride for hair loss or bHRT for hormone health. Whatever your health queries, it is best to discuss with a professional.