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  • TRT Therapy – Can Testosterone Replacement Make Depression Worse or Better?

TRT Therapy – Can Testosterone Replacement Make Depression Worse or Better?

Written by

Science & Humans

Medically approved by

Maria Jacob

Last updated

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The question really should be to what extent TRT therapy alleviates depression, and the factors that influence the positive outcomes. But let’s not scare you with long headings. ​

With the backdrop of a sweeping epidemic, debilitating lock downs, social distancing norms it is no surprise world mental health day is trending. Even return gift bags given with thoughtful notes being penned about understanding & empathy, coaxing to reach out if feeling down and depressed. ​

Low-T being the cause of mood issues, a certain lack of overall well being is well understood, as is the ability of testosterone to boost mood and bestow that spring in the step, feel good, win the world feeling. ​

So testosterone eminently qualifies as a therapy option. Although it can be nuanced and it might not be for everyone, but for a certain subset of people testosterone replacement is simply tailor-made to a T to deal with depressive symptoms. ​

It has long been debated among medical professionals about using TRT therapy for overcoming depression. An affliction millions suffer which has a debilitating effect on life and lifestyle. ​

Indisputable is the efficacy of testosterone in helping treat depression as per a huge analysis of existing studies, in fact the biggest one done involving thousands.​

27 relevant randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials encompassing almost 2000 subjects were selected whittling down from 7000+ records and 2622 studies excluded. ​

The paper published in JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) titled Association of Testosterone Treatment With Alleviation of Depressive Symptoms in Men A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. ​



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Study found Testosterone:

  • Has a moderate antidepressant effect compared to placebo
  • The beneficial effect of testosterone was pronounced at higher doses
  • First time ever a study suggested higher doses of testosterone for anti-depressant effect

While the authors are clear that more specific trials need to be conducted since testosterone trials were largely conducted with low-T symptom outcomes and not depression per se, and many other parameters need to be explicitly studied for definite answers. For example - the way testosterone was administered - transdermal via gels or intramuscularly.

Previous research provided evidence that testosterone treatment is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in hypogonadal or middle-aged men up to age 60 years.

This meta-analysis provides important new evidence that testosterone treatment may also be effective and efficacious for eugonadal (not suffering from low-T) and older men when higher testosterone dosages are administered.

How does depression, low-T and testosterone all connect?

Prevalence of depression in men increases with age, so does the prevalence of low-T or hypogonadism. Depression and anxiety are the most common psychopathological symptoms associated with male hypogonadism.

The question is whether the age-related gradual decline in testosterone levels contributes to the rising rate of depression in older men?

Improvement in depressive symptoms of men with low-T have been demonstrated in many studies while treated with testosterone. In fact, a subset of hypogonadal men seem to respond better while on testosterone replacement for depression.

Testosterone deficiency is associated with numerous non-specific symptoms including decline in libido, erectile dysfunction, increased fat deposition, decreased muscle mass, decreased energy and depression.

The relationship between increased depressive symptoms and declining testosterone levels is complex because many conditions are independently associated with depression and testosterone deficiency. These conditions include medical illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS, and obesity, stress, smoking, and alcohol abuse.

Most studies do suggest that testosterone deficiency is associated with depressive symptoms, although the literature does not support a consistent relationship between testosterone levels and depressive symptoms.

Why is TRT therapy so effective in improving depressive symptoms?

TRT has been shown to improve depressive symptoms in most men. This could be due to the fact that testosterone is a modulator of GABA A receptors and inhibits 5-HT3 receptors centrally.

GABA(GAMMA Amino Butyric Acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in adults. It slows our breathing, heart rate, lowers blood pressure. It imparts a chillax effect so to speak.

40% of the synapses in the brain work with GABA, so not having enough GABA can lead to anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, insomnia among other symptoms. Low-T also presents with similar symptoms. See the connection?

GABA A & GABA B are the 2 types of receptors GABA interacts with.

Essentially GABA A receptors tells the neuron - “buddy take a chill pill”.

GABA A acts as an automatic gate when it binds to GABA and stops the neuron from activating:

GABA A receptors are ionotropic receptors. When GABA binds to the GABA A receptor, it opens up an associated ion channel that is permeable to the negatively charged ion chloride. When negative chloride ions flow into the neuron, they hyperpolarize the membrane potential of the neuron and make it less likely for the neuron to fire up.

5HT3 receptors are a type of Serotonin receptor, which is excitatory and testosterone has an inhibitory effect in the CNS (Central Nervous System).

However there appears to be a sub-population of depressed male patients that tend to respond best to TRT.

These patients include men who have more severe testosterone deficiency, HIV/AIDS, mild depression, use transdermal testosterone as opposed to IM testosterone, and those not responding to *SSRIs.​

What has testosterone got to do with Patients on SSRIs?

Patients taking *SSRIs also experience a significant improvement in depressive symptoms once treated with TRT.

A medical review emphatically declares that:

“Men with depressive symptoms and testosterone deficiency syndrome should be given a trial of testosterone replacement therapy for at least 3 months as TRT alone may improve clinical symptoms of depression. Furthermore, men already on SSRIs may also experience further improvement in depressive symptoms after initiating TRT.“

*Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a widely used type of antidepressant. They are mainly prescribed to treat depression, particularly persistent or severe cases, and are often used in combination with a talking therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Can low testosterone cause depression from low testosterone?

A relation between testosterone and mood regulation is of interest to the medical community. Low testosterone, called clinically as hypogonadism, has been linked with mood disorders, which include depression. That is, if this decline comes as a result of low testosterone, it can be a factor toward its negative impact on so many levels, as it influences so many bodily functions—that is, regulation of energy levels, libido, and cognitive functioning—that contribute to mood, thereby causing depression from low testosterone.

Low testosterone levels have also been seen to contribute to depression in men in addition to those with normal levels. The treatment with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been tried with some promising results for use in men having depression associated with low testosterone levels for the same indication, further emphasizing the role of hormone therapy for depression and anxiety.

Who Can Benefit from Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Depression Treatment?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will not be an answer for everyone having depression, and hormone replacement therapy should be considered carefully. Thus, the problem will be to pick up a candidate who could find support from TRT, especially those experiencing depression from low testosterone.

What is important is that it be hypogonadism where the levels of testosterone are low enough to show up with symptoms and in blood tests— in other words, the levels at which one would treat with T. The most promising results were obtained in men with mild to moderate depression who had responded inadequately to conventional antidepressants and are now considering depression and hormone replacement therapy.

Other symptoms that also have significance when they coexist with low testosterone levels in men include fatigue, low libido, and muscle wasting, all of which are associated with depression. Of note, testosterone replacement therapy needs close monitoring under the watch of a healthcare provider to help in checking its effectiveness, as well as minimizing its risks, given that concerns on can testosterone therapy cause depression and TRT causing depression are still very much part of the ongoing discussions within the medical community.

Is TRT therapy the last word in treating depression?

Testosterone has its limitations, given that depression is a complex disorder, with many causes social, economic, even cultural included apart from the clinical & psychological manifestations. So while it has a beneficial effect on treating depressive symptoms there are exceptions like psychosis, severe lack of social skills, etc., which need other kinds of interventions to help. Sometimes people have to be taken off TRT therapy since it has undesirable outcomes.

Unfortunately depression does not have a cookie-cutter solution, but testosterone seems to help.

Certainly as more insights are gained from ongoing research, into the intricate interactions of neuroactive hormones including testosterone & neurotransmitters and their receptors, testosterone therapy will keep on pushing the envelope and treatment locus.


Can low testosterone levels cause depression?

Yes, low testosterone (Low-T) has been linked to mood disorders, including depression. Testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating energy levels, libido, and cognitive function, all of which impact mood.

How effective is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for depression?

Studies suggest that TRT has a moderate antidepressant effect, particularly at higher doses. It has been shown to improve depressive symptoms in men with Low-T and even in some with normal testosterone levels.

Who is most likely to benefit from TRT for depression?

Men with hypogonadism (clinically low testosterone) and those with mild to moderate depression who have not responded well to conventional antidepressants may experience the most benefit from TRT.

How does testosterone impact neurotransmitters related to mood?

Testosterone modulates GABA A receptors, which have a calming effect on the brain, and inhibits 5-HT3 serotonin receptors, which are excitatory. This interaction may help alleviate depressive symptoms.

Can TRT be used alongside antidepressants like SSRIs?

Yes, studies suggest that men taking SSRIs may experience additional improvement in depressive symptoms when treated with TRT.

Does the method of testosterone administration affect its antidepressant effects?

Some studies indicate that transdermal testosterone (gels/patches) may be more effective in improving mood than intramuscular injections for certain individuals.

Is TRT a guaranteed solution for depression?

No, depression is a complex condition with multiple causes, including psychological, social, and medical factors. While TRT may help, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not work for everyone.



  • Zarrouf, F. A., Artz, S., Griffith, J., Sirbu, C., & Kommor, M. (2009). Testosterone and depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of psychiatric practice, 15(4), 289–305.

  • Anderson, D. J., Vazirnia, P., Loehr, C., Sternfels, W., Hasoon, J., Viswanath, O., Kaye, A. D., & Urits, I. (2022). Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Depression. Health psychology research, 10(4), 38956.

Further reading

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5 Reasons to Check Testosterone Levels

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TRT therapy aims to maintain testosterone levels within 400-600 ng/dL range, and patients should be checked every year and every six months. Symptoms may improve if no im ...

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